Uoo, mee, weee!

Baboró and Branar Téatar de Pháistí premieres new show at Wide Eyes festival

UOO, MEE, Weee! - the title may be taken from nonsense talk, but this show is significant. It is the first production by the Baboró festival, in conjunction with Branar Téatar de Pháistí, and premieres at the new Wide Eyes festival.

Uoo, mee, weee! is non-verbal show about Uoo and Mee who walk, talk, and do everything the same…until one day, when one of them decides to do something different. It features actors Neasa Ní Chuanaigh and Jay Ryan, with original music by Micheal Chang. It is directed by Lali Morris and Marc Mac Lochlainn.

The show previews this Sunday as part of Small Size Day, at 1pm and 3pm; Wednesday January 31 at 3pm; and on Thursday February 1st at 10am, 11.30am, and 3pm as part of Wide Eyes. All performances take place in the O’Donoghue Centre at NUI Galway. The show is aimed at children aged from three to six. Each child must be accompanied by an adult.

Tickets are €5 from the Town Hall Theatre on tht.ie or 091 - 569777.


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