Lyons calls for extra bus services for west side of city

If land and funds can be made available, bus services can be provided for housing estates close to Circular Road and to the Upper Ballymoneen Road, which have no bus services at present.

Independent city councillor Donal Lyons, and Independent Galway West TD Noel Grealish, recently met senior Bus Éireann executives to discuss the possibility of extending services on two Galway city bus routes - the 404 and 405 which service the Westside area and the Galway Retail Park off the Western Distributor Road.

Bus Éireann executives informed Cllr Lyons and Dep Grealish that both routes could be extended “if the necessary infrastructure was provided”, such as turning bays on the Circular and Ballymoneen roads. A further meeting was held with senior staff from the Transportation Directorate of the Galway City Council, who have agreed to identify suitable sites on Circular Road and Ballymoneen Road which could accommodate the turning of buses.

“I am awaiting a response from the Galway City Council to see if sites can be identified to accommodate the turning bays as requested by Bus Éireann,” said Cllr Lyons. “If sites can be identified, I will be asking Dep Grealish to seek funding from the National Transport Authority to finance their provision.”

Cllr Lyons said there was demand in the area for extended bus services, pointing out how residents from the Circular Road, The Baily, Bushypark Lawn, Ashdown, Dangan Heights and Dun Dangan areas, had petitioned their neighbourhoods on the issue. They also petitioned the local Bushypark National School, with 52 families indicating they would like a bus service to bring children to and from school.

Cllr Lyons also had deputations from residents of Upper Ballymoneen Road, Slí Burca, Slí Gheal, and Fana Buí estates seeking a bus service for their area. While a service to these estates had been provided previously, it has been discontinued.

The Knocknacarra based councillor has now placed a motion before the city council, calling on the National Transport Authority to issue “as a matter of urgency”, the appropriate bus licence, to provide a service for Slí Burca, Slí Gheal, Leas na Mara, Fana Buí, Leitir Burca, Maigh Burca, Radharc na Farraige, Drisín and Mhaoilín.


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