First Over The Edge reading for 2018

Leading Galway literary event celebrates 15th birthday

THE OVER The Edge readings will not only be marking its first event of 2018, but it's 15th birthday when Martina Evans, Edna Faye Kiel, and Nicola Geddes, read from their work at the Galway City Library next week.

Martina Evans grew up in County Cork and now lives in London. She has written the poetry collections The Inniscarra Bar and Cycle Rest (1995 ), All Alcoholics Are Charmers (1998 ), Can Dentists Be Trusted? (2004 ) and Facing the Public (2009 ); the novels Midnight Feast (1996 ), The Glass Mountain (1997 ), No Drinking No Dancing No Doctors (2000 ); and the prose-poem/novella Petrol (2012 ). The Windows of Graceland: New & Selected Poems was published by Carcanet in 2016.

Edna Faye Kiel has lived in Killaspuglonane, Clare for many years but is originally from the USA. She writes fiction and her work has been published in The Stoney Thursday Book, Stinging Fly, Books Ireland, The Cúirt Journal, London magazine, and Staple:New Writing.

Originally from Scotland, Nicola Geddes has lived in County Galway for the past 25 years, where she works as a cellist and music tutor. Her poetry has been published in Crannóg, The Galway Review, and Skylight 47. In 2017 her poems received a Special Commendation from the Patrick Kavanagh Award.

The event takes place on Thursday January 18 at 6.30pm. There will be an open-mic after the featured readers have finished. New readers are especially welcome. The MC will be Susan Millar DuMars. Admission is free and all are welcome.


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