SolidarTEA coffee morning to raise awareness and funds for academics’ case against NUI Galway

A cross-section of groups at NUI Galway has come together to organise a coffee morning – dubbed SolidariTEA - to raise awareness, show support and raise funds for the four female academics engaged in a discrimination action against NUI Galway.

The event will take place on Thursday December 7 from 10-12 midday in the Orbsen Building, NUI Galway, with supporters in universities in Ireland and the UK also hosting events.

The NUI Galway organisers – which include the University Womens’ Network, NUIG Students’ Union, GenderArc and FEMSOC – have emphasised the importance of the timing of the coffee morning.

As stated by a spokesperson, “It is three years since the four academics – Dr Sylvie Lannegrand, Dr Róisín Healy, Dr Margaret Hodgins and Dr Adrienne Gorman – initiated legal action to challenge the failure to promote them to senior lecturer. The disputed promotional round has been described by the Equality Tribunal as “shambolic” and discriminatory in its effect. Despite this the case taken by the four against the University has not been resolved and continues to make its way through the courts.”

Supporters are encouraged to come along to the Orbsen Building between 10 and 12 midday on December 7 or to organise SolidariTEA events in their own organisations. The organisers encourage participants to tweet their events to the @NUIGsolidariTEA using #solidariTEA.

Further information is available on their Facebook page at


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