People of the Tribes : Meet John

In association with Evergreen

My name is John Burke, and I am a journalist born in Middlesex, but obviously descended from one of the Tribes. My claim to fame is that I have visited 79 countries as a foreign correspondent and travel-writer, so that I have been published in over a hundred newspapers in these islands and elsewhere.

I first visited Galway in 1962 because my great-grandfather, Captain John James Burke, a master-mariner was born in bothar na Chollaiste in 1824.

This was my first chance to return (following a visit to Knock for the Catholic press ) since 1970, but I love Galway not just for hereditary reasons but because it is Celtic, historic and on the edge of the world. Despite development, one can reach into the almost mythical past not just in Museum Cathrach na Gaillimhe but also amid the ancient buildings and Gaelic signs.

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