Three tips to de-stress this Christmas

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

The Christmas rush is starting to build. The Chirstmas lights have been switched on, the Christmas market is in full swing, and shops are teasing you with their Christmas stocks; it may be the most wonderful time of the year but, by God, it can be stressful.

But it does not have to be that way. Here at the we give you three tips to stop that festive agitation.

1 Yoga

Aside from helping your breathing and flexibility, the ancient Indian practice is a great way to relieve stress. Most yoga styles use meditation techniques, helping you to clear your mind and give you a sense of calmness. Deep breathing, which is associated with yoga, forces participants to concentrate on their breathing, therefore ignoring other irritating thoughts that may be causing bother to the individual.

2 Meditation

Have you ever been told to take a chill pill? Well, meditation is that pill as it is a wonderful way to reduce stress. The practice does not involve much physical effort therefore it decreases your heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen intake, and blood pressure. This lack of movement and much needed mental and physical cooperation affects the entire nervous system, reducing the body's production of cortisol, a stress related hormone.

3 Massage

Probably one of the most enjoyable ways to de-stress is getting a massage. It is brilliant for those who have a desk job as all that sitting causes discomfort and pain especially in the lower back as well as those who have chronic headaches. Massages are the go to solution for anyone having a stressful time. They really have to be experienced.

So there you have it. Three top tips on how to enjoy a stress free Christmas.

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