Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit look back on first year of operation

It has been a very busy time since the inception of the Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit in March 2016. Having held its AGM a fortnight ago in the Oranmore Lodge Hotel, a new committee was formed for the year ahead.

The new committee is made up of volunteers Mike Cummins, Chairperson; Stephen O’Sullivan Secretary; Nichola Cummins, Treasurer; Michael Cannon P.R.O.; Sean Greene Base Coordinator; Betty Greene, Pastoral Care; Joe Dempsey, Quartermaster; Joan Dempsey, Catering; Ed Shiel, Training Officer; Cillian Morris, Leaders Representative; Brendan Commins Fundraising Officer; Josie Cannon, Local Knowledge Representative; and Fergus Boyle, RIB Helm.

Having been set up primarily to assist in the search for casualties lost at sea in the Galway Bay area, and to provide pastoral care to the casualties’ family and friends, they have actually assisted in various events since their establishment.

Some of these events included the inaugural Darkness Into Light event in Oranmore, Cancer Care West Galway Bay Swim 2016 and 2017 and The Brendan Kearney Memorial tournament, to name but a few. The unit has also been involved in stewarding at local events and have participated in community events.

“We are very pleased to have attained charitable status,” said a spokesperson. “It was a very long road with a lot of hard work done by a few dedicated individuals. The unit would like to thank everyone who has donated, no matter how much or in what form your donation has been, it is very much appreciated.”

“Oranmore Maree Coastal Search Unit would like to thank everyone from individuals and business both local and nationally that have helped us in any way and who have wished us well in our duties,” said a spokesperson.

If you want to get involved, complete a sign-up form on their Facebook page. You can also be kept up to date on searches and other events that we will be involved in.

The Facebook page iswww.Facebook.com/OranmoreMareeCoastalSearchUnit/ and the twitter page is twitter.com/OMCsearchunit


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