In order to mark ‘Movenber’, the Irish Cancer Society along with the Health and Wellbeing division in the HSE are organising a free health information evening in the Salthill Hotel on November 30 from 6pm to 9pm. Men and their partners are invited to attend this health promotion initiative.
One of the aims of the evening is to increase awareness and provide information on the specific health needs of men and to encourage them to think about their health and lifestyle behaviours.
The key speaker on the night is Garret Durkan Consultant Urologist (Prostate Issues ); while Denise Dunne, Lead Specialist Cardiac Physiotherapist and Suzanne Seery, Lead Dietician In Cardiology And Obesity Management from Croi will also speak about the importance of diet and physical activity for all men. The evening begins at 6 pm with a free health check followed by the speakers at 7 pm.
The evening will also include a number of information stands and free information and advice on a range of health topics.
There remains a strong case for maintaining a specific focus on men’s health.
One in eight men will get prostate cancer.
Men in Ireland die, on average, almost four and a half years younger than women do.
Poor lifestyles are responsible for a high proportion of chronic diseases.
Late presentation to health services leads to a large number of problems becoming untreatable.
Rachael Dalton, a nurse with the Prostate Cancer Survivorship Programmes notes that evidence clearly shows that men’s health can be improved in many significant ways, if men are offered positive choices, and are given the support, encouragement and opportunities to succeed.
All men and their partners are welcome, but please reserve your place with Rachel Dalton on 091 893318 or email