Young Travellers successfully take over Galway City Museum

Last Friday, Galway City Museum was successfully taken over by a group of young Travellers from Galway City for Takeover Day 2017. This was the second year the museum has been involved in Takeover Day, a Kids in Museums initiative that celebrates young people’s contributions to museums, galleries, heritage sites and other cultural venues. It’s a day on which young people are given meaningful roles, working alongside staff and volunteers to participate in the life of the museum.

In collaboration with Ballybane Foróige Youth Project and Youth Work Ireland, Galway – Westside Youth Project, the museum engaged young Travellers in operation of the front desk, tour-guiding and curation of a museum showcase to reflect their individual and community identities.

The participants from Ballybane outlined their reasons for being involved: “We are taking part because we want to teach other people about our culture. We are looking forward to teaching people about the Travelling community and to taking over the museum”. The project is jointly-funded through Galway City Council’s Creative Ireland programme and by Galway 2020 and the Galway Traveller Movement.

According to Annemarie McDonagh, “Galway Traveller Movement are delighted to be part of this initiative and commend the work of the museum in offering an opportunity to young members of the Traveller community to celebrate their ethnic identity in a public forum. Enabling cultural expression and embracing diversity can be used as a means to unite people and build bridges.”

Galway City Museum would like to thank all who showed their support on the day by dropping in and encouraging participants as they made such a positive contribution to the cultural life of the city. The museum staff have now taken back the reins but are looking forward to doing it all again next year!

GCM, Spanish Parade, Galway (091 532460 ) Open Tues-Sat, 10am-5pm Free admission!


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