The Law Reform Commission is hosting a consultative meeting in the Aula Maxima at NUI Galway on Wednesday November 22 at 5pm. The Commission would like to hear from local stakeholders, legal professionals, and members of the public about areas of law that may be in need of reform.
The Law Reform Commission is currently engaged in preparing a Fifth Programme of Law Reform, which will form the basis of its work over the next several years. The meeting will provide a forum for suggestions and discussion of current legal issues, and forms a very important part of the Commission’s preparations for projects to be included in its new Programme of Law Reform.
As part of this consultative process, the Commission has begun a series of consultative events across the country, including Dublin, Limerick, Dundalk, and Cork, seeking ideas and discussion of legal issues from a broad range of stakeholders and interested parties. Speaking in advance of the consultative event to be held in NUI Galway, Professor Donncha O’Connell who (with Tom O’Malley, also of the School of Law in NUI Galway ) is a member of the Commission, says engaging with members of the public and legal professionals around the country allows the Commission to know what law reform issues are of most pressing concern to people and this can be critically important information in setting priorities for the Commission.
“We hope that there is a strong and diverse attendance at our Galway meeting and look forward with great interest to hearing as wide a range of views as possible.”
The meeting is expected to run from 5pm until approximately 7pm and will be followed by a reception hosted by the Commission. Those who would like to attend are invited to contact the Commission by emailing
Contributors to the Fifth Programme of Law Reform are requested to make their submissions/comments by email to, if possible, before close of business on February 9 2018.