It is hard to stay on track at this time of the year, but although it might seem inevitable, there is no reason why you should gain weight over the Christmas. You should be able to maintain your weight. With so many parties, and so many mince pies, how do you let your hair down without regretting it by the New Year? Forget about losing weight, just try to maintain, but don’t worry if you put on a pound or two.
A few tips to follow to help you not to over indulge over the festive season
Always make sure to have a good healthy breakfast, to get a good start to your day.
Try to have as many ‘normal days’, where you eat healthy and exercise, as possible.
Don’t arrive hungry to a party, eat something before you go.
At a party, try to choose good foods such as meats, fish, fruit, veg, and good cheese.
Make socialising, rather than food, the focus of the event.
Don’t feel obliged to over eat, it is ok to say no to seconds.
Keep tabs on how much you are drinking, alcohol is empty calories, and try to drink some water.
Set New Year goals
Be realistic: If you wake up on January 1 with a hangover and a strong urge for a double espresso and a bacon sandwich, is this really the day to begin your health and fitness goals? Start on the 2nd, use New Year's Day to use up any mince pies, Quality Street, and clear out the cupboards of any other tempting foods.
Set goals: Spend some time writing down your health and fitness goals, ensuring that they are challenging but realistic.
Be patient: Fitness and weight loss do not happen overnight, that’s why it is important to have a time frame for your goals.
Keep track: Keep a food and/or exercise diary to monitor your progress and help motivate you to stay focused on your goals.
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