Galway Astronomy Club talk on next generation of giant space telescopes

Galway Astronomy Club is to hold a talk at the Harbour Hotel next Monday November 5 (starting at 7.30 ) on the next generation of giant space telescopes being constructed around the globe.

The talk will be given by Prof Andrew Shearer, an astronomer at NUI Galway whose main interest is in studies of objects which change on short timescales - such as pulsars. He has made observations with most of the world’s major observatories. With others at NUI Galway, he has developed instrumentation, GASP, to study the optical polarisation from pulsars and his next observing campaign with GASP will be in Chile in February 2018.

Over the past 30 years the world has seen some really astonishing images of space largely due to the likes of the Hubble Space telescope and the Chandra X-Ray observatory.

The next two decades promises to deliver even more exciting images and this talk will explore these possibilities, when new giant space-based observatories such as the 6m James Webb Space Telescope, Athena X-ray observatory and others produce their first results.

All of this work will be complemented by future terrestrial observatories such as the ALMA and the European Extremely Large Telescope. Combined these will usher in a new era of discoveries from cosmology to exo-planets. What will the future hold? Why not come an find out at this talk. All are welcome.

For further details about Galway Astronomy Club and this season’s programme, visit or contact Brian Macgabhann (Chairman ) 085-7298831 or at


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