Ballinfoile Castlegar Neighbourhood Centre meeting
A public meeting will be held next week Thursday November 9 at 7.30pm in the Ballinfoile Castlegar Neighbourhood Centre to share details on the progress to date on the opening on the Ballinfoile Castlegar Neighbourhood Centre.
The meeting will allow for the public to see the detailed plan which is in place to have the Centre open and fully functional as soon as possible.
Details will include a project timeline and list of roles which will be filled over the coming weeks.
Please follow the Ballinfoile Castlegar Neighbourhood Centre Facebook page for future updates.
For any enquiries please contact –
Annual Golden Enrolment Mass
The Annual Golden Enrolment Mass for deceased staff members of UHG will take place on November 4, 2017 at 6.30pm in the staff canteen, nurses home, University Hospital Galway.
This is a special mass which provides an opportunity for all staff members to remember those deceased colleagues who we worked with over the years.
If you would like someone remembered during this mass please contact Susan Massey 0879452810 or Margaret Duignan 091 523206
Canney welcomes emergency funding for Galway Schools
Galway East TD Seán Canney has welcomed the allocation of funding by the Department of Education under the Emergency Works Scheme.
Presentation College Headford have been allocated funding for Mechanical Works under the Scheme.
Presentation College Athenry have been allocated funding for emergency Roof works and Killasolan NS Caltra, Ballinasloe, have been allocated funding for structural improvements.
Loughrea Toastmasters Club launches next Monday
Loughrea Toastmasters Club officially launches next Monday in the Slieve Aughty Suite of the Loughrea Hotel and Spa with a free demonstration meeting.
This is a chance for people who want to improve their communication and leadership skills to see what Toastmasters is all about. For many, public speaking makes them nervous at best and they will do anything to avoid it.
Back in 1924 Ralph C Smedley recognised the need for people to learn to speak publicly, run meetings, and plan programmes. Today, more than 90 years later, there are over 350,000 members in 16,400 clubs worldwide.
Loughrea Toastmasters will be the fourth club in county Galway along with Galway, Oranmore, and Tuam Toastmasters clubs.
Martin Foran, club organiser for the new club says; “Loughrea Toastmasters provides a supportive and positive environment where members have the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills.”
After hearing from the area director, members and guests will enjoy a demonstration Toastmasters meeting including a prepared speech, table topics (impromptu speeches ), and an evaluation.
Guests are not expected to speak on the night but are welcome to participate in the topics and questions and answers sessions. This promises to be a fun, entertaining, night, giving guests a taste of a typical meeting.
Loughrea Toastmasters meets every second Monday in the Loughrea Hotel and Spa.
For more information about this event and the club, visit, follow on Facebook or Meetup at