Irish language is worth €136 million to Galway

The Irish language is worth €136 million annually to Galway, and Galway city businesses are capitalising on this by increasing the use of the Irish language in the day-to-dayrunning of their businesses.

Bríd Ní Chonghóile of Gaillimh le Gaeilge, the organisation responsible for the promotion of the Irish language in Galway city businesses, says it is now becoming more of the norm for local businesses and organisations to make ‘an Ghaeilge’ their business.

"There is definitely a better understanding and appreciation of the value of the Irish language to Galway as well as its importance to our uniqueness as a cultural, bilingual city.

"This is of particular importance to the city as we approach our year as European Capital of Culture in 2020. In the coming months, we will be increasing our efforts as we direct Galway businesses and organisations attention to Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh, Galway’s own annual bilingual business award. This work will be in collaboration with our main sponsor, the Galway Advertiser Group and with the support of the Galway Chamber.”

The Gradam has been recognising and rewarding the efforts made in the promotion of the Irish language in Galway since 2002. It will celebrate its 16th year next year. The Gradam provides a unique opportunity for Galway businesses and organisations to celebrate and showcase their use of the Irish language in business.

This year’s Gradam winner Avril Smith of the Eyre Square Centre says taking part in the Gradam has been a great experience for the Eyre Square Centre.

"My own Irish wasn’t great but that didn’t stand in our way as Foireann Ghaillimh le Gaeilge helped us throughout the bilingual process. Their practical advice and translation service was great. We started off with bilingual signage, and it went on from there. It took us four years to get here but it was well worth it.”

Gradam 2018 will be launched in mid-January of next year. Any one interested in using the Irish language or participating in the Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh 2018 can contact Gaillimh le Gaeilge at 091 568876 or

Visit for more information.


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