What's Lenin's relevance for today?

New book to challenge mainstream analysis of 1917 Russian Revolution

OCTOBER 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the "10 days that shook the world" in the words of American journalist John Reed, but what is its relevance for today?

The lead figure in the Russian Revolution was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin, and Russia's transformation from Tsarist empire to Communist superstate was down to his drive and ideas, but was he a warning from history or a figure who still has something positive to say to us today?

Such questions will be tackled in Lenin For Today, the new book by socialist writer and historian, John Molyneux, which will be launched in Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop in Middle Street, on Thursday November 2 at 6.30pm.

Lenin For Today challenges the dominant narrative of the revolution as a Machiavellian coup foisted on the Russian people by a malign and authoritarian Lenin. Instead, it argues the revolution was a democratic people’s revolt from below and that Lenin was not responsible for the Stalinist regime, which developed after his death.

The launch is organised by the Galway branch of the Socialist Workers Party. All welcome to attend. There will be a Q&A and debate and copies of the book will be available.


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