Infertility treatment from Care Cure

In Ireland up to one in six couples are affected with infertility. While the causes can be wide ranging including hormone imbalance, PCOS, endometriosis, and sperm disorders, the effects of being unable to conceive can be very distressing for the couple concerned. Acupuncture treatment is widely used by couples seeking to improve their chances of conceiving.

Acupuncture can help in a number of ways including hormone regulation, improving hormone levels, regulating the menstrual cycle, increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, improving thickness and quality of uterine lining, and decreasing the chance for miscarriage. Acupuncture can also aid male fertility by improving sperm production, quality, and motility.

It is also used to treat the effects stress can have on the body as this can have an impact on fertility. When someone is under stress the hormone cortisol is released in the brain. This alters the brains chemical balance, changing hormone levels and disrupting the reproductive cycle.

At Care Cure Acupuncture Dr Zhou is a chief traditional Chinese medicine physician with more than 30 years of experience in infertility acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatments. The team use a number of traditional Chinese medicine methods to help and improve your chances of conceiving.

If you would like more information about or would like a FREE consultation call the clinic on 091 539996. Care Cure is located in the city centre directly opposite the library. VHI, Laya, Aviva, Glo, and other major health insurance providers are accepted and Care Cure offers a reduced rate for medical card holders.


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