A choral concert in St Nicholas'

Concert to mark World Mental Health Week

"MUSIC AND song gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and charm and gaiety to life and everything." So said Greek philosopher Plato, in a poetic way of stating - music is good for you.

It is something The Galway Mental Health Association also believes and so it is again hosting its annual choral event in St Nicholas Collegiate Church on Friday October 13 at 8pm, in order to mark World Mental Health Week. The concert will see performances from a variety of choirs.

All monies raised on the night will go towards The Galway Mental Health Association's work and support of social inclusion events for people experiencing mental illness in Galway city. The association also wishes to acknowledge and thank all the choirs "both past and present who give of their time freely to support and perform at the event" as well as to St Nicholas'.


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