Callanan to hold public meeting on Knocknacarra expansion proposals

“Totally inadequate” is how Independent Cllr Daniel Callanan has described the Galway City Council’s consultation process on proposals to expand the Knocknacarra Community Centre.

Cllr Callanan believes that one information event at the Clybaun Hotel today from 5pm to 7pm is not sufficient as the closing date for submissions is “only seven days later on March 19”.

The council is holding the information event to discuss proposals to expand the Knocknacarra Community Centre, put forward proposals for a community centre, and discuss rezoning the Millars Lane pitches.

As a result Cllr Callanan will hold a public meeting in the Clybaun Hotel this evening at 7pm to “listen to people’s feedback” on the proposals from city council. He is also encouraging people to give their views on the alternative site now available at Cappagh Park.

“The people of Knocknacarra have become increasingly disillusioned as a result of repeated failures to deliver,” said Cllr Callanan. “City Hall needs to start living in the real post Celtic Tiger world. Knocknacarra needs a community centre now and not some fanciful proposal that may or may not be delivered some time in the distant future


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