Dr Clare to hold series of seminars

Dr Dilis Clare and her experienced clinical team will be running a series of seminars on various health conditions and concerns over the next number of months in the Clinical Science Institute, NUI Galway. The first of these seminars is on Thursday September 28 at 7pm, where food intolerances and how they can affect your health and wellbeing will be discussed by clinical nutritionist Michelle Hanley.

Many people are affected by digestive health issues, migraines/headache, infertility, skin issues, rheumatoid arthritis, and low energy. These conditions can be caused by undiagnosed food intolerances. The Fitzwilliam FoodTest is a blood test which measures IgG antibody levels associated with specific foods.

Dr Clare’s Clinics has qualified nutritionists who go through your results with you and set you up with a nutritional plan best suited to you. With more than 10 years' experience, the clinic's nutritionists will help you change your diet, increase your energy levels, and bring about a better quality of life.

If you are unavailable to attend on the evening, call Dr Clare's Apothecary and Clinic on 091 583260 and a team member can go through the different food test options with you.

The second seminar in the series, about thyroid health, will be held on Thursday October 26 at 7pm. This seminar will be presented by registered functional nutritionist Tara Canning and Dr Clare’s clinical associate, medical herbalist Lara Jonasdottir.

Thyroid medication is now in the top 10 most prescribed medications in Ireland. This seminar will explore why this growing medical phenomenon is not a 'one size fits all' regarding low energy, weight issues, palpitations, hormone imbalances, muscle aches, poor sleep, brittle skin or hair, and many more concerns.

Is it your thyroid gland ruining your quality of life? Are there other reasons why your thyroid medication is not working for you? Learn how to take back control of your health.

Seminar tickets are €15 and can be purchased on the door on the evening (Room 1030, Clinical Science Institute, Costello Road, Shantalla, Galway ), or through the following links:

Food intolerance tickets: http://buytickets.at/drclareapothecary/116620.

Thyroid health: http://buytickets.at/drclareapothecary/116650.


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