How to keep motivated for weight loss and getting fit at Shape for Women

It is September already, the children are back to school, and the festive season is around the corner. It is time to focus on yourself and review your fitness and weight lost goals.

It can be hard to get back to the routine after couple of months of ‘treats’ but it needs to be done if you want to feel good and fit in into this lovely dress you got months ago.

If you are sick of ‘starting from Monday’ again implement those steps, motivate yourself and achieve your goals.

How to master the motivation

Specify your goal and know why you want to do it.

You need to know what you want, how do you want to feel or look. If you not aiming for anything how are you going to achieve it?

How many kilograms do you need to lose? Three, five or eight?

How many inches would you like to lose from your waist?

Do you want to be more confident?

Do you want your clothes to fit better?

Do you want to have more energy?

Do you want to fit into your old jeans?

Make a plan

Goal without a plan is only a dream. Set action steps to achieve your goal and make a deadline.How many meals are you going to eat a day?

What are you going to ditch from your diet?

Which day of the week is going to be your shopping/prep day?

Visualise your goals

Take your favourite dress, jeans which does not fit you anymore and hang outside your wardrobe. You might even take a picture of it and have it on your phone and look at it any time you are about to ‘treat’ yourself.

Write your morning mantra

Write and then read out loud your motivational mantra every day. Pin it onto the mirror in the bathroom so you will not forget to read it. Write the mantra in the present tense such as ‘I have successfully lost 6kg and I feel great in my clothes’. Writing down your goals is not enough, you need to keep them in mind all the time.

Kick the bad habits

For many people, the enemy is a glass of wine few times a week, a few biscuits with tea in the evening, or chocolate. Remember, it all adds up. Go cold turkey for the first couple of weeks. The only one way to rid of the cravings is to go off the product.

Think positive

You can achieve anything you want. Do not be too hard on yourself. Remember we all fall off the wagon, the key is to get back on it as soon as possible and do not give up on your goals. Set your mind for success and the body will follow.

Find company

Work out with your friend, find personal trainer, or join a fitness programme. Weight lost is a journey not a sprint. It makes easier to stick with training and diet when you are doing it with someone else. More likely you are going to stick with the plan when you have someone to support and motivate you.

Do you need help to start? For more information call 085 788 22 77.


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