A little classical music for Culture Night

ConTempo to perform four free shows in the city

THE CONTEMPO Quartet will give four free concerts around the city to mark Culture Night, which takes place on Friday, while later this month, they will also present a cross-genre collaboration with Galway-based artists in NUIG.

ConTempo's Culture Night events being with a lunchtime show, starting at 1pm, in the Quadrangle of NUI Galway, where there will also be dramatic readings from students of drama, theatre, and performance, and song from the NUI Galway staff choir. The event also includes an introduction to the James Mitchell Geology Museum.

That evening, ConTempo will perform a series of pop-up gigs at the Galway Arts Centre, Dominick Street (6pm ); Shop Street (6.45pm ); and the Blue Teapot Theatre, Munster Avenue (7.30pm ). Admission to these events is free but early arrival is recommended.

On Thursday September 28 at 7pm, ConTempo return to NUIG, where, in the Aula Maxima, they will join forces with the MA in Writing, to present Contempo/raneous: Literature. The Galway Music Residency, ConTempo, and MA in Writing students have been taking a look at old works of music and literature, with a view to making them new again. As a result, ConTempo, along with past and present students of the MA, will showcase work which has emerged from this exercise. Wine will be available on the night.

Admission is free. For more information see www.thegalwaymusicresidency.ie


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