Top tips to stay fit in winter

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

October is nearly upon us and that summer feeling is slowly disappearing for another year.

Even if you were not on holiday, July, August, and September are months when our moods are high and our work ethics slack off. Many people even use the longer days to go for exercising and getting in shape in order to have that beach body.

However, with autumn and eventually winter coming, many of us will be covering up and the motivation to workout wanes when you look out the window to see an endless deluge of rain.

But there is no need to worry if you believe a battle of the bulge is on the horizon. The has five simple tips to keep yourself in shape over the coming months until the sun makes an appearance again.

1 Warm up

Cold and stiff muscles are more prone to injury. Be sure to warm up inside before a workout to get blood flowing to the muscles. Remember never to stretch until you warmed up. A light jog is the easiest way to do this.

2 The gym

Joining the gym is great at this time of year. People have lost the summer body drive so it will not be a fight to use the machines. Gym numbers dwindle at this time of year which means there are usually great discounts on membership to be had. Joining the gym now will not only be good for your waistband but your purse strings.

3 Keep it simple

Avoid having a complicated workout plan. Squats, pull ups, and push ups plus a good cardio programme that you like will allow you to see results and enjoy going to the gym three or four times a week.

4 Find a workout partner

Having a mate to work out with is very helpful because it is great for accountability and even for a little friendly competition.

5 Stop making excuses

The final and probably the most important tip. The only person who can get you fit is yourself. Fight the temptation to go for that pizza or takeaway. Do not use the weather, your social life, or your laziness as an excuse to miss out on a training session. Get to the gym.

So there you have it. Five tips to stay fit this winter. No excuses.

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