Ten years of shorelines in Portumna

Portumna celebrates the 10th Shorelines Arts Festival from September 14 to 17 with an exciting programme of events.

From the opening event of the three week art exhibition in the Gallery at the Workhouse on September 2 to the closing concert by Cherish The Ladies on September 17, prepare to be enthralled by the voices of Julie Feeney, Jack O’Rourke, and Síomha, and to be entertained by Aidan Tierney, Mikel Murfi, and My Fellow Sponges.

Artists exhibiting include local amateur artists and a number of invited artists including Liz Doyle, Laura Watkins, Anna Hryniewicz, Judy Hamilton, Sarah Farrelly, Dolores Lyne, and Ciara O’Keeffe. This free exhibition of art, ceramics, and sculpture is an annual feast of colour.

Literary highlights include Mike McCormack, Fergus Finlay, Leanne O’Sullivan, and Helena Mulkerns. With drama, films, documentaries, and family events as well as a comprehensive school’s programme, this 10th festival will be special.

Book a place in the many workshops in calligraphy, ring making, drumming, writing, origami, and singing. Look out for artist Aideen Monaghan’s 10 Cubes, 10 Decades art installation as well as poems on the street, magic book birds, and a pop-up museum on the theme Lace.

Houses in the area will have an arty touch for the festival, and a Percy French themed singing competition as well as the annual Lines Learned By Heart recitation competition are to be found on www.shorelines arts festival.com

The committee acknowledges the support of the Arts Council as well as all the local sponsors and friends of this super festival.


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