Kay’s Mind & Body & Soul Healing

Kay Higgins has recently opened her new energy healing practice in Moycullen – specialising in integrated energy therapy (IET ) which is based in a peaceful rural setting just six miles from Galway city.

IET is a healing, and Kay Higgins is keen to promote that this is divine healing channelled by the angels.

While Kay offers energy healing to adults, she also has a special interest in working with children, young teens, and students.

IET for Kids workshops are fun half days where children learn the art of gentle healing for themselves and their friends and families, and each child is presented with a certificate and instruction manual on completion.

The IET for Pets workshops work in a similar way.

Integrated energy therapy or IET is a safe and gentle way of balancing your life by helping you release the negative patterns that you may be carrying from your past.

Feelings of negative or traumatic experiences, stress, fear, anger, guilt, and shame can be suppressed in the body and stored in the cellular memory which can then disrupt the vital life force at a cellular level.

These energy blockages can lead to feelings of unrest, tiredness, and energy depletion.

IET uses a cellular energy map to target specific areas of the body where cellular memory is stored and helps to release the blockages on four levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

As the blockages in the cellular areas are cleared, a void is left which is then infused with integrated energy which in turn transforms negative feelings to harmony and love and joy.

The client remains fully clothed throughout the healing, which is by means of gentle hand pressure on the cellular memory areas. Distance healing is also offered to those who are unable to be physically present.

The healing session takes approximately one hour.

All treatments and courses are facilitated by certified IET master instructor Kay Higgins.

Contact Kay Higgins at 086 6061131, email kayhiggins31@yahoo.com. All enquiries are welcome.


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