Western Veteran and Vintage Motor Club (WVVMC)

Shortly after the 1977 IVVCC Autumn Rally, which that year was held in Galway, a number of enthusiasts met on the September 4, 1977, with a view to forming a vintage motoring club in the west of Ireland.

At this meeting a committee was elected, and hence the Western Veteran and Vintage Motor Club was born. Following the formation of the club, Ireland West Tourism sponsored a press conference to publicly launch it. Many motoring enthusiasts and organisations from all over Ireland attended.

As the IVVCC was the only Vintage Motor Club believed to be in existence at the time, this new club became the second such club in the country and is, therefore, now still believed to be the second oldest.

The club did not take long to achieve considerable status and respect throughout the country with the number of members growing steadily, surpassing the 50 mark within about 12 months. To advertise the club, members involved themselves in attending parades, festivals, etc with a very diverse range of cars.

One feature of membership of the club was that a member did not have to be the owner of a vintage car.

Nowadays the club has a membership of around 200 from all over Ireland and indeed has a few members in Great Britain.

The aim is still to promote an interest in veteran, vintage, and classic cars through the organising of runs, static displays, and participation in parades and festivals with a very diverse range of cars, as the club founders did.

The club's 40th anniversary will be marked by a special Gala Dinner and Murder Mystery night in the Salthill Hotel Galway on Saturday September 2 at 7.30p.m.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased by phoning 093-39426 or 087-9961776.


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