The Galway Walking Club's marathon and half marathon will take place in Connemara on Saturday, August 12.
This year the Galway Walking Club, established in 1994, is celebrating its 21st annual marathon. The club's annual marathons and half marathons have taken place in some of the most scenic parts of Connemara and have attracted hundreds of participants. This year's route is from Killary to Maam Valley, mostly along the Western Way. It is mainly a flat walk, the highest point being Maumean at 259 metres, and while about one third of the walk is on the road the route is chiefly on green road or forest track. There are spectacular views of Killary Fjord, the Maumturks, and the Twelve Bens.
All participants receive a well earned meal in the Maam Valley Community Centre on completion of their walk. The registraton form is available on the club website. Registration for the event closes on Friday, August 4. The club would appreciate responses from those intending to participate by that date in order to be able to guarantee a seat on the bus taking walkers to the walk start.
The walk will take place from the Community Centre, Maam Valley, Co Galway, on Saturday, August 12. This year’s registration fee for the marathon is €30. All details are available on the club website For any further details on the marathon contact either Jerry Lalor, marathon coordinator, at; or Ellen Looby, PRO, at