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Cuts in Galway respite hours shocking

Cuts to the number of day only respite hours available in Galway, while the number in need of respite is going up, are unacceptable, according to Sinn Féin senator, Trevor Ó Clochartaigh.

The senator said; “We have seen a cut in one year in Galway of 199 day respite hours, to families desperately in need of the support, from 821 for the first quarter of 2016, to 622 for the same period this year – a quarter less. That is a disgrace.

“The figures released nationally have shown that in the first quarter of 2016 there were 44,141 overnight hours of respite care provided, however, in the first quarter of 2017 this figure had dropped to 40,597. A cut of 3544 hours.”

House burgled in Moneenageisha Court

Between 9am and 4pm on Thursday July 6, a Nintendo Wii and an Xbox were taken from a residence in Moneenageisha Court.

The owner of the house returned home from work to discover that the rear door of the property had been forced open.

Contact Galway Garda Station on 091 538000 with any information.

Cash taken from Creggs post office

A large sum of cash was taken from the post office in Creggs early Wednesday morning, July 5, at around 1.50am.

A considerable amount of cigaretes was also stolen.

If you noticed any suspicious activity around Creggs last Tuesday, contact the Garda in Creggs or Ballinalsoe Garda Station on 090 9631897.

Hit and run in Tuam

Tuam gardaí are appealing for assistance with a hit and run road traffic collision that occurred on Friday May 26 at the pedestrian crossing on Shop St in Tuam.

The collision involved a gold coloured jeep and a pedestrian. If you have any information, contact Tuam Garda Station on 093 70840.

Valuables stolen from house in Merlin Park

On Friday July 7, between 8pm and 11:30pm, a house in Lios An Uisce in Merlin Park was broken into.

The front door had been forced open while the owner was away and a number of expensive items were taken.

These included a black IPad, a black Dell laptop and a silver Samsung Galaxy S5 phone.

Gold jewellery and a significant amount of money were also stolen.

If you have any information on the matter, contact Garda Tom Doyle of the crime unit in Galway on 091 538000.

Wedding ring taken from Ballybrit Heights house

A gold wedding band and a gold/diamond wedding ring were among the items taken from a house in Ballybrit Heights, last Thursday July 6.

The house was broken into between 11.30am and 3.30pm, with other jewellery and cash also being taken.

Contact Garda Mark Kelly of the crime unit in Galway on 091 538000 if you have any information about the incident.

Lough Rea Hotel and Spa hosts wedding event

The Lough Rea Hotel and Spa will host a wedding event on Sunday July 30 from 1pm to 5pm. On the day you will get to meet wedding coordinator Karen Brady and the hotel wedding team where you can view the ballroom set up for your perfect day. Meet the hotel’s executive head chef Michael O’Neil and enjoy a sampling of the hotel’s fabulous wedding menus. Meet top wedding suppliers. View the newly refurbished bridal suite and roof top garden plus more.

Excellent incentives for bookings made on the day. To register your interest call wedding coordinator Karen Brady on 091 880088 or email [email protected].


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