GIAF exhibition inspired by Voyager Golden Records

Exhibition to run at Galway Arts Centre throughout the festival

GOLDEN RECORD - it can mean the LP included on the Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977 or an album which has sold more than 500,000 copies in the United States. Both are documents or recorded music, preserved for posterity.

Golden Record is an exhibition at this year's Galway International Arts Festival, which explores our need to record, document and create objects to make sense of the world and our place within it.

Artists Dorothy Cross, Laura de Búrca, Ed Devane, Jane Locke, Susan MacWilliam, Lucy McKenna, Suzanne Mooney, Lorraine Neeson, Paul Nugent, Niamh O’Malley, Richard Proffitt and Jennifer Walshe, will present work inspired by the Voyager Golden Records - which contain everything from the sounds of people kissing, to greetings in various languages, to music by Beethoven and Chuck Berry.

As well as exploring the need to document, the artists will also examine how the pursuit of understanding can also become a pursuit for meaning, and how the familiar can become unfamiliar through scrutiny.

Golden Record, curated by Maeve Mulrennan, runs at the Galway Arts Centre from July 17 to 30. It officially opens at 2pm on Sunday July 16 and there will be a performance at 3pm by Jane Locke. See #GIAF17


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