Do you have your eye on the perfect dress for Race Week, or perhaps you have a wedding or event coming up and you are desperate to get in shape? Forget the fad diets. Forget starving yourself. Contact Educogym in Kingston (Knocknacarra ) or Oranmore and let the experts work with you to get you into the best shape of your life.
Educogym in Kingston is celebrating its third birthday this month and to celebrate, the two Galway gyms have some amazing special offers up for grabs. The offers are only available between now and the end of July so don’t waste time, make the call today and let the results speak for themselves.
It is hard to believe that the Galway Races are just over two weeks away and, of course, we all love to look our best for Race Week. Imagine a programme that enabled you to eat great food, exercise for just 20 minutes daily, and drop a dress size in less than a fortnight — just in time for Race Week. Sounds too good to be true? Not at Educogym.
Among the brilliant offers in Kingston and Oranmore this month is 50 per cent off the Educogym 12-day university validated Kickstart programme. The programme is based on a study carried out at the University of East London, where 100 people participated over a 12-day period with a total of four hours of weight training (20 minutes daily ). On average, the participants lost 7.5lb of fat and gained 3lb of muscle. This change of nearly 1lb per day would be enough to transform the average person’s body.
For those unfamiliar with the gym, the Educogym atmosphere is like nothing you have experienced before. The Educogym Time Machine is designed to give you a faster, more efficient, workout, with sessions lasting just 20 minutes. All sessions are supervised by a personal trainer, who will guide you through your session from beginning to end. The intense training programme rejuvenates the body by saving and building lean muscle while also burning fat, resulting in a healthier, leaner, body.
Throughout July Educogym has some fantastic special offers across its range of programmes, with extra special deals for past members. To find out more about Educogym’s great July birthday deals, call or email today. Contact Educogym Kingston, Knocknacarra on 091 523904, email; or Educogym Oranmore on 091 788880, email You can also contact the Galway Educogyms on Facebook at @Educogym.K.