What foods are making you tired, bloated, and fat?

There is no secret potion, shake, or pill that will help you lose weight faster than boosting your metabolism. But do you know what foods speed up your metabolism and what foods slow it down?

Knowing what foods boost or slow your metabolism is now proving through medical research to be the most successful way to lose weight. You eat healthily and get plenty of exercise, but still cannot seem to shift those extra pounds. Forget counting calories – your favourite food could be to blame.

Do you often feel bloated or suffer from fluid retention? Are you careful about what you eat, but still seem to find it hard to lose weight? Have you tried all the diets you have ever heard of and gone to every fitness class at the gym, but still find you are the same size?

If this sounds like you, do not despair – it may be a food intolerance that is stopping you shifting those excess pounds. Statistics from a national charity established in 1991 to increase awareness of food sensitivity, show that around 45 per cent of the Irish population suffer from a food intolerance at some time in their lives. In fact, food intolerance is fast becoming one of the most likely reasons for much ill health today. But how does it affect our weight?

Ongoing research suggests that how well our metabolism functions is a key factor in weight loss or gain, and some of the foods that are most likely to trigger an intolerance are known to disrupt our metabolism. Research also shows that our metabolism works most efficiently when we eat a variety of nutrients. For example, a lot of processed foods contain grains, which are one of the main food intolerance offenders, example, spelt, wheat, rye, eggs, barley, gluten, oat, and also slow down both metabolism and weight loss. But this is only one food group.

With nutritionist Yvonne Duffy O' Shaughnessy, feted by RSVP magazine as Ireland's leading food intolerance testing clinic, the Raw Food Coach tests 200 foods helping you identify foods that are causing you to gain weight, feel bloated, and wipe your energy. Duffy O' Shaughnessy explains; "Traditionally, weight loss programmes have been built on the assumption that everyone's metabolism works in the same way. And that if you monitor your calories, count fat grams, drink meal replacements, take dieting pills, or follow the diet sheet - whoever you are, you will lose weight.

"However, research has confirmed what many frustrated dieters have suspected for a long time: one size really does not fit all. In fact, there is now concrete evidence that many of us struggle with weight gain and have difficulty losing excess pounds not because we are lazy or failed dieters, but because we have a metabolism that doesn't quite match the textbook version."

Call the Raw Food Coach today to book your appointment, to have your blood assessed (pin prick ) and start a tailor made plan just for you; Now on special offer at €160 down from €250. Includes 200 foods tests, a nutrition consultation, and iridology.

For more information call 087 057 3098, visit website www.irishrawfoodcoach.com, or see www.facebook.com/therawfoodcoach


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