Thank you Galway for making The Galway Advertiser your favourite and most widely read Newspaper

Thank you, readers and customers.

We had always believed that we were Galway’s favourite newspaper, but now this has been confirmed by an Ipsos MRBI survey of media consumption in Galway City and County.

And thanks to you, our loyal readers, the results have overwhelmingly shown that the Galway Advertiser is the newspaper and media partner of choice in the city and county, with a local audience that far outweighs the combined total of all other local media.

Ipsos MRBI, the country’s top polling company, undertook the face to face study across Galway city and county several weeks ago. The sample was distributed representatively across urban and rural areas throughout the city and county of Galway.

In Galway city, the survey has shown that in any given week, 79 per cent of people have read the Galway Advertiser — four out of five people.

This compares with 39 per cent who have read the Galway Independent and just 13 per cent who have read the City Tribune.

Nationally, the average readership in any county for local newspapers is 50 per cent — so the Advertiser’s 79 per cent just shows you how uniquely powerful a medium it is for your community news, information, interviews, advertisements, and promotions.

There is simply no newspaper like it in terms of getting the message across to its audience.

Just take a look at the graphs on these pages and see how the Advertiser is the medium of choice for people wishing to buy products or services — and that is why the city and county’s smartest businesses choose the Advertiser to get their message across.

These businesses have stood the test of time and now they can see in the results of this Ipsos MRBI survey that only in the Galway Advertiser, does their advertising spend have the audience that it is promised. No exaggeration. No false promises. We print the number we say we print.

Just one look at these graphs compiled by the country’s top polling company can tell readers and businesses just how the Advertiser performs in terms of getting the message across.

Ipsos MRBI has said that the key objective of the survey was to understand readership behaviour, habits, and preferences among readers of local newspapers and how these newspapers compare in the Galway region.

When asked what newspaper they would choose if only one newspaper was available in the city, 84 per cent of respondents chose the Galway Advertiser, just ten percent chose the City Tribune, five percent chose the Connacht Tribune and the remaining one per cent did not choose any.

What is also interesting is that everyone who reads the other Galway newspapers and 90 per cent of those who listen to local radio, also read the Advertiser — meaning the Advertiser can give you the entire city readership, negating the need to advertise in other media, print or broadcast — making the Advertiser the complete one-stop shop for all your advertising, promotional, and marketing needs. It is a comprehensive declaration of the strength of our circulation and readership and we thank you, our audience for granting it to us.

The survey also showed that the Advertiser readership is spread across all age groups and demographics, with those in the 18-34 age group as likely to read the newspaper as those aged over 55.

For almost five decades, we have been the go-to media for finding people jobs, homes, property, cars, entertainment, lifestyle, education, and groceries — enabling us to build up a relationship with Galway readers that has resulted in them choosing the Advertiser as their favourite newspaper.

Galway is fortunate to have several outstanding local newspapers, showing that print media is as strong as ever in the west — and this survey shows that the strongest of these across almost all categories is the Galway Advertiser.

The survey also showed us areas in which we can improve, and our team endeavours to work on those areas to make reading the Advertiser an even better experience.

Every week when we sit down to plan out the following week’s Advertiser, we insist on an eclectic mix of interviews and features and articles and categories that will strike a chord with every reader. It has made the Galway Advertiser the most powerful regional newspaper in the country for 48 years, and this weekly mission to create a newspaper that mirrors Galway will continue.

There will be no resting on our laurels. We invite you to look at the graphs and see just how effective we are across all categories.

And so, I repeat my thanks to you, on behalf of the team here at the Galway Advertiser. Now as we enter our 48th year serving the people of Galway city and county, we are grateful for your support and we remind you that our ears are always open to receive your thoughts and suggestions as to how we can continue to improve.

Now turn those pages, and enjoy your latest Galway Advertiser.


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