Controversial anti-fluoridation activist to visit Galway this weekend

An outspoken US scientist, visiting Galway this month, has criticised the Irish government for failing to acknowledge studies that fluoride lowers the IQ of children.

Paul Connett, an anti-fluoridation activist, who was invited to speak to the government’s forum on water fluoridation in 2000, cited a 2003 peer-reviewed study from China that showed as little as 1.4milligrams of fluoride per day lowered the IQ of children by 51 points.

‘’That dose would be reached by an Irish child by consuming two litres of water a day and that is before other sources of fluoride, such as toothpaste and tea – are considered. ‘’

Connett, a globally-known toxicologist and chemist will speak to Galway audiences on Sunday (June 11 ) at the Connacht Hotel as part of the revival of the Fluoride Free Galway campaign, which asks local businesses to install filtration systems that remove fluoride and other toxins from their water.

Connett’s two-week talking tour of Ireland will include communities in Limerick, Cobh, Kerry, Cork and Dublin that are fighting industrial pollution, waste incineration and water fluoridation.

‘’The question I will be posing to fluoridation proponents is where are the studies that they can cite which give them the confidence to ignore more than 300 of both animal and human studies - that indicate that fluoride is neurotoxic and has the potential to lower IQ in children?’’ he claims.

The lack of scientific integrity within the Irish government is the single greatest threat to this country’s environment said Connett.

‘’I was told by citizens that [the fluoridation forum] was going to be a sham - and it was. Out of 300-page report they spent less space -one and half pages - discussing primary health studies, than they spent illustrating what a pea-sized piece of toothpaste look like.

Asked why he believed the practice continued in light of such evidence, Mr Connett said: ‘’I think they fear that if they lose fluoridation, they will lose the public’s trust in other public health practices.’’

Connett co-authored The Case Against Fluoride which revealed how US authorities had used spurious science to commence the practice of water fluoridation.

‘’Since the very beginning the US authorities have pressured the Irish government to start and keep this practice going,’’ said Connett. He drew parallels between Ireland and the US, saying there was a serious lack of media scrutiny in both countries.

The public talk and screening, will take place at 7pm, on Sunday June 11, Connaught Hotel.


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