Volunteers sought for Galway Film Fleadh

THE GALWAY Film Fleadh takes place from Tuesday July 11 to Sunday 16 and volunteers are sought to help out at the festival and with the Fleadh TV crew.

Volunteers will assist with workshops and industry events; transportation and guest registration; working with the publicity/marketing team; taking tickets; ushering; or sales. Others will be asked to work as part of a video crew doing camera work, sound recording, editing, etc, including a week’s training workshop with Gréasán na Méan Skillnet.

Places on the workshop and video crew are open to eligible job seekers. Participants will receive two weeks of intensive high level training from industry professionals; have access to interview directors, actors, casting agents, and funding organisations; cover previews and reviews of films and documentaries.

Those interested can apply via www.galwayfilmfleadh.com


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