CÚRAM’ seeks artists for Westside public art project

ARTISTS FROM across Irelandinterested in working with the NUI Galway based CÚRAM art and science programme, as part of its public engagement work, are being invited to submit proposals.

In partnership with the Galway City Arts Office, proposals are being accepted from artists interested in CÚRAM's goals of creating links between scientific and artistic communities, and Science Foundation Ireland's aim of "having the most scientifically informed and engaged public".

CÚRAM is planning "an ambitious and contemporary permanent artwork" in the Westside, Galway, for display in the library, boxing club, or similar location specified by the artist. The budget for this project is €10,000. The artist will work with one of the following the themes of biomimicry; how to fix a broken heart; and biomaterials and the body.

The chosen artist will work in the CÚRAM laboratories to learn about CÚRAM’s research, before spending a period of time working with the Westside community to realise the project.

Applications must be received, with all material, on June 19 at 5pm. No submissions will be accepted after this date. All eligible applications will be considered by a selection panel, appointed by the Galway City Council and CÚRAM. For more information and to apply see www.curamdevices.ie/curam/public-engagement/artists-in-residence


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