What breed of Independent are you?

The American columnist Franklin P Adams wrote in 1944 that: “Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.”

If Adams’ words of wisdom have any bearing on the politics at a local level 65 years later, then the angst and anger of the electorate already expressed in recent opinion polls will find the toxic brand of Fianna Fáil decimated within the Galway City Council.

The toxicity of Fianna Fáil, and the poodle like PDs who never barked and who were officially wound up as a party on March 1, leave not alone the FF candidates and ex-PD’s, but also a string of so called Independents with questions to answer on the doorstep.

The questions to be asked by the electorate, to the independents, is “what breed of Independent are you?” Are you Independent-Fianna Fáil, Independent-ex-PD, Independent-future Fianna Fáil, or Independent-Marxist Socialist?

The electorate who gave a resounding endorsement to ‘Independent’ candidate Michael J Crowe last time out were duped by the now Fianna Fáil councillor who jumped ship. Those in the know in 2004 knew what Cllr Crowe’s strategy was then, but didn’t get the message out to the electorate. That cannot be allowed to happen again and the electorate have a right to know.

Insider feels that prior to the canvas and ultimately the elections, the public should be informed and some colours nailed to the mast. Let’s take a look at the so-called ‘independents’.

Galway City Central has two declared independents - Mike Cubbard and Mike Geraghty. It is widely known that Mr Cubbard was being courted as a future candidate for FF and seen as a younger and preferable candidate to former mayor Martin Quinn.

Circumstances changed, the boundaries were redrawn, and thereafter he was dumped in favour of Ollie Crowe given Cllr Michael Crowe’s geographical base in Bohermore.

Mr Cubbard was heavily involved with the Lisbon Treaty canvas, with Fianna Fáil in the Westside and Dangan area. Caveat Emptor as my Latin teacher used to say, let the buyer beware! TOXICITY LEVEL-9.

Mr Geraghty is a former PD candidate, defeated in 2004 on a very poor showing. The former video shop owner had a full party machine behind him, and the hugely influential co-founder of the PDs’ Bobby Molloy working on his behalf behind the scenes. Yet he could only finish seventh out of 10 on first preferences and eliminated on the third count. He is not seen as a threat in the new Galway City Central but is seen as naïve to the political game. TOXICITY LEVEL-7.

Galway City East has two ‘Independent’ candidates declared at the moment but could yet throw up another if a Doughiska based community organisation sees itself as not being represented by the present runners and can find a creditable candidate.

Councillors Declan McDonnell and Terry O’Flaherty are both former PDs - Cllr McDonnell by choice and Cllr O’Flaherty by birth, as her late mother, former mayor Bridie O’Flaherty, was a founding member of the party.

Cllr McDonnell reached the dizzy heights of the PD National Executive Committee and can be associated with the formulation of the disastrous right wing values of the party, implemented to the detriment of the country.

His natural home is Fianna Fáil and Insider suspects he will eventually jump ship if re-elected. His closeness to big business and developers certainly raises his toxicity levels but his steady work on the ground locally and with Mervue Utd will save him. TOXICITY LEVEL-10, but will survive at the expense of his former PD colleague.

Cllr O’Flaherty is probably the weakest of the present group of councillors. She took over her mother’s seat but is not the political giant or the controversial character her mother was. First to jump from the PDs’ sinking ship she nevertheless is in deep water and will need a strong life vest to survive the turbulent waters of the now six seater Galway City East.

It is difficult to find a new political home for the councillor but if push came to shove and if by chance she is re-elected, the Greens if they return to Galway City Council with a seat, may approach her. It’s a long shot. TOXICITY LEVEL-8.

Galway City West has only two independents declared - Cllr Donal Lyons and Cllr Catherine Connolly. Cllr Lyons is a vote gatherer extraordinaire, topping the poll last time out, and would be viewed as the ultimate community candidate despite his links with the PDs.

Seen as a politician of principle, his natural home is within Fine Gael and he will probably jump ship if and when re-elected. Given the surge in the polls for Fine Gael and the prospects of having the ear of future ministers, it would be an infinitely wiser move rather than remain on the outside track. The possibility of him linking up with FG reduces his toxicity level. TOXICITY LEVEL-3.

The last remaining ‘Independent’ is Cllr Catherine Connolly. Some would say her natural home is within Labour, but Michael D and comrades, not being fans of Daniel O’Donnell or Foster and Allen, will not be singing “I’ll take you home again Kathleen” in the near or distant future.

She has burnt all bridges with Labour. At a local level she will succeed but will see her vote eroded by Labour’s candidate Neil McNeilis and with no party machine behind her this time round, will find the going tough. Will be re-elected on the present left wing swing but will be remembered as the woman who took on an ICON of the Irish left and lost. TOXICITY LEVEL-6.


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