Public meetings to revive Irish language

Steps are currently being undertaken to begin the development and implementation of an Irish Language Plan in the areas surrounding Galway city.

The Irish Language Plan aims to provide a range of initiatives to promote, support and increase the use of Irish in the home, the community, in education and in social, business and public structures in each specific Language Planning Area/.

This work is central to the language planning process that is taking place currently in the Gaeltacht, and aims to revitalise, support, and strengthen the Irish language in those areas.

Communities in Gaeltacht areas and in adjacent towns and cities have the opportunity to play a role in cultivating the Irish Language by having a voice in preparing a language plan for their area. The language planning process is set out under the Gaeltacht Act 2012 and is part of the 20-Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030.

Galway County has 10 language planning areas, three of which are located in the surrounding areas of Galway city. Work is already underway to prepare a language plan for the city, which is designated as a Gaeltacht service town. Language plans are currently being prepared in the other seven language planning areas in the Galway Gaeltacht.

Údarás na Gaeltachta in conjunction the Deptment of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural, and Gaeltacht Affairs is organising three public meetings in the Language Planning Areas (LPA ) surrounding Galway city. A simultaneous translation service will be provided during the meetings.

These meetings take place at; Menlo Park Hotel, Monday, 24 April at 8.00 pm for LPA of East Galway/Oirthear Chathair na Gaillimhe: (Castlegar, Parkmore, Ballindooley, Ballinfoyle, Menlo, Coolagh, and Terryland ); Claregalway Hotel, Tuesday, 25 April at 8.00 pm for LPA of An tEachréidh: (Annaghdown, Kilroughter, Claregalway, Carnmore ); Clybaun Hotel, Thursday, 27 Aibreán at 8.00 pm for LPA of Bearna and Knocknacara: (Bearna, Corcullen, Oranhill, Tonabrocky, Knocknacarra ).

Further information visit, email, or call 091 503100.


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