Health & Fitness

Fish oils — good for the whole family

Fat is necessary for life but unfortunately many of us consume the wrong types of fat. Our intake of different fats has changed markedly during the last century. We eat far more saturated fats and vegetable oils which contain omega-6 fatty acids, whereas our intake of fatty fish oils (omega-3 ) has decreased by 80 per cent during the last 80 years. We eat much less fish today, so most of us suffer from a deficiency of omega-3 fatty oils.

Many people are realising that they and their families need more than a multivitamin to support their health and achieve optimum well-being. Independent research is demonstrating time and time again the value of essential fatty acids found in omega-3 fish oils. The Eskimo range has been meticulously researched and formulated to provide you with incredibly pure omega-3 fish oils to support you and your family’s health requirements.

Omega-3 fatty acids are well known for their ability to help support healthy circulation, joints, and skin, as well as playing a vital role in cognitive function. Containing optimal concentrations of the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, Eskimo-3 is a uniquely stable fish oil formula, and one of the most scientifically researched of all supplements.

Fatty acids contained in Eskimo-3 can also help support balanced production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes in the body, which is vital to overall health.

Ongoing media coverage has helped to highlight the importance of essential fats in children, particularly the omega-3 fats found in oily fish. Both omega-6 and omega-9 fats are just as important for the developing child.

Eskimo Kids provides optimum levels of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids in the ideal balance to support growth and development. With added vitamin D to support healthy bone development and vitamin E to help maintain the stability of the oil, this formulation is the product of choice for children’s essential fat requirements Eskimo Kids comes in two delicious natural flavours, tutti-frutti and orange. Naturally, it is sugar free and without sugar substitutes. The tutti frutti flavour comes naturally from oranges, lemons, and cherries.

Eskimo Brainsharp is the ideal choice to lend natural support to the brain. It contains all the well-known benefits of Eskimo-3® fish oil with the addition of CoQ10, omega-6 and 9, and vitamins D and E.

Co-enzyme Q10 has many known beneficial effects and has been added to this formula for its ability to support energy production and act as an antioxidant to support and protect the healthy brain. CoQ10 deficiency is common, especially among older adults.

Vitamin E is included for its protective antioxidant effects. Research has suggested that there is a significant synergistic effect from combining CoQ10 with Vitamin E.

Vitamin D aids brain cell activity and has an important antioxidant effect. Deficiency is common, especially among elderly women and those who get insufficient natural light.

Eskimo Brainsharp would benefit anyone experiencing age-related reduction in cognitive function; those requiring support for memory and concentration; anyone who wants to maintain and protect mental ability into old age; or anyone who simply wants to sharpen his/her mind and support long term cognitive function.

Eskimo Brainsharp is also ideal as a short term boost for additional brain support in times of intense studying, exam periods, new job, extreme workloads, etc.

Manufactured from the body of deep-sea fish (not the liver ), the Eskimo range of products is purer and remain fresh longer than rival oils, with no odour or fishy aftertaste. A study by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland in 2002 placed Eskimo-3 as the “best overall omega-3 oil” for purity.

The advantages of supplementing with Eskimo fish oils are so widespread that everyone from toddlers and teens to more mature family members can benefit greatly from using an Eskimo product as a daily supplement.

For more information and to purchase Eskimo fish oils, contact your local Evergreen Healthfoods store. With stores at Moycullen, Barna, Westside, Galway Shopping Centre, and Mainguard Street and online at there’s a store near you.


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