Album review: Me and the Bees

Me and the Bees - Menos Mal (La Castanya)

POSITION YOURSELF between The Breeders' Last Splash - on the 'Divine Hammer', 'Invisible Man', rather than 'Cannonball' side of the spectrum - and The Beatles and 1960s psych-pop, and you have Spain's Me and The Bees.

Menos Mal is the third album from the Barcelona-based trio of Esther Margarit (bass/vocals ), Verónica Alonso (drums/vocals ) and Carlos Leoz (guitar/vocals ), its 15 songs clocking in at a total of 33 minutes.

Stripped of any excess, these short, sweet, numbers abound in melodies and vocal harmonies that neatly, taswtefully balance the ethos of 1990s indie with elements of older music - 'Feel Good' is an infectious collision of indie-rock and 1950s surf; 'Pink' has a woozy, psychedelic, wordless vocal refrain, joined to classic indie power chording; while the brilliant 'The Only One' marries rough house garage rock to shoegaze, with sixties girl group backing vocals.

Menos Mal is an absolute delight. If it wears its influences on it sleeve, so what? The trio can craft good melodies and write infectious pop songs, steeped in indie values - and that is always a good thing.


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