The fifth annual Cycle Against Suicide is on its way to Galway at the end of next month and the organisers are seeking volunteer host families in the city.
Cyclists will stop over in Galway on the night of Sunday, April 30, following a leg which begins in Castlebar, and the organisers are seeking householders in the city who could put the participants up for just one night.
The idea is that participants and locals will begin a conversation about suicide, which claims 800 lives on the island of Ireland each year.
Central to the success of Cycle Against Suicide is the Homestay Programme. Hosts provide cyclists with a warm meal, a chance to freshen up, and a bed for the night.
Feedback from Homestay hosts indicates that this experience has been extremely rewarding, as it allows hosts to lend support in a very tangible way.
Cycle Against Suicide Local Homestay C-oordinator, Annette Curley said they desperately need people to offer accommodation to participants for a night when the cycle passes through Galway.
“We would be delighted to avail of as many spare beds as possible. Of course, we’ll also need many volunteers to help make our time in Galway memorable. Whether it is sandwich-makers, road marshals, or simply, people standing at the side of the road to cheer on the cycle, we can all play our part in breaking the cycle of suicide on the island of Ireland.”
If you would like to provide Homestay accommodation when Cycle Against Suicide visits Galway, please send an email to or Annette Curley can be contacted on 087-2801862.
If you would like to volunteer with Cycle Against Suicide please e-mail For more information see, where you can also register for some, or all, of the 14 days of the Cycle Against Suicide 2017.