Galway’s influence on China and Hong Kong marked by delegation tour

The Hong Kong St Patrick’s parade had a distinctive Galway element to it in the form of members from the Irish Chinese Society Galway along with business and political representatives from Galway. This marked the first stop of a historic delegation tour organised by the chairman of the Irish Chinese society Galway; Mr. Kam Chin to Huzhou in China and led by Deputy Noel Grealish T.D, Minister of State Sean Canney T.D and Cllr Declan McDonnell.

The purpose of the visit was to foster and maintain the friendly relationship between the two cities to date. This delegation tour follows on from the successful tour made by the Chinese delegation to Galway last year.

This relationship encompasses the growth of culture, finance, trading, information technology, manufacturing, tourism, education and property sectors. This relationship has the potential to be rewarding to both cities in so many spheres.

This is truly an exciting and unique situation as Galway hopes to build close links with a city in China. With the innovation of the Irish Chinese Society Galway, the region of Huzhou will be a gateway for Irish services, culture and products to enter the Chinese market and Galway can be a potential hub for investment.


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