50 party bag ideas that aren’t sweet treats

As parents we are always concerned about healthy eating for example, looking for ways to cut down on sugar and fat in our diets, and those of our kids. Everything in moderation is usually what I aim for, where the children are concerned anyway, as I feel restricting my children’s intake too much leads them to crave more of what is not good for them. Now if only I could practice what I preach.

Parties are the exception, you can offer healthy alternatives but it is ok to have some sweet treats too. If you decide to have party bags to give each child as an added bonus once the party is over, it can be tricky deciding what to fill them with.

With Lent also taking place currently we have come up with 50 Party Bag Ideas that Aren’t Sweet Treats, all kind to teeth and will ensure that your party guests leave with a smile on their faces. Most items can be picked up in local stores or ordered online before the big day.

Gel Pen

Key Ring to hang on a school bag or jacket zipper

Novelty Straw

Glow in the Dark Stars

Mini Notebook

Fridge Magnet

Puzzle Book

Yo Yo

Mini Figure



Mini Stamping Kit

Colouring Pencils

Pot of Homemade Slime or Playdough made at party

Stickers or Sticker Book

Temporary Tattoos

Canvas Bag decorated at party

Photo of them and the birthday child (requires instant camera or photo printer )

Whoopee Cushion

Lip Gloss

Bath Toy

Parachute Toy

Musical Instrument

Mini Jigsaw


Nail Polish

Nail Art Stickers

Bouncy Ball

Novelty Eraser

Photo Frame made at party

Loom Bands or Loom Band Creation


Pack of collectible cards

Bead Kit

Highlight Marker


Mini Kit Toy

Soft Toy

Novelty Socks

Tye Dye Socks made at party

Mini potted seed planted at party


Pirate Hat or Eye Patch

Mini Kaleidoscope

Mini Torch

Mini Magnifying Glass

Novelty Purse

Hair Accessories



Some of these ideas make great party activities too. How about each child creating their own slime to take home? It only takes minutes and offers hours of fun.

For Slime you will need

White liquid glue (pva )

Borax powder


Food Colouring (optional )

Plastic Cup and Spoon for each child

Zip lock bag each for storage

What to Do

Fill a quarter of a cup with glue and add the same amount of water.

Stir until mixed.

Add a few drops of food colouring (optional ).

Put 2 heaped dessertspoons of Borax into another cup and half fill with water.

All of the powder may not disappear but that’s ok, just mix well.

Add a few drops of Borax solution to each cup of glue mix and stir.

You will see slime starting to form.

Add more Borax solution until all the liquid has turned into slime

To make fluffy slime, add some shaving foam to the mix! Borax and water can be replaced by contact lens solution.

Hope we have inspired you. For more party ideas visit www.mykidstime.com


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