True Pilates for optimum health and vitality

Tried and tested over the past 80 years, Pilates is a complete exercise system that gives long-lasting and often spectacular results.

Pilates is designed to build core strength and correct body alignment while developing all the muscle groups in a harmonious manner, promoting fluid, and controlled movement. Applied correctly, Pilates makes you look, feel, and move better.

From teens to seniors, complete novices to top athletes, Pilates can help build or deepen your core strength while addressing specific goals, needs, or problem areas. Sessions are designed to stretch and strengthen the entire body while continuing to challenge you as you progress. Benefits include a firmer, toned, body with lean muscles and stronger bones; better posture, co-ordination, and balance; greater flexibility and mobility; increased energy, concentration, and awareness; less fatigue, stress, and discomfort in your daily life; relief from back pain; increased endurance; and enhanced performance in physical activities, at all levels, with fewer injuries and better recovery.

"In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 you will see the difference, and in 30 you will have a whole new body,” Joseph H Pilates once said of the exercise regime he pioneered.

Joyce O’Beirne is a fully qualified Pilates instructor, trained, and certified by Romana Kryzanowska, the internationally recognised protégée of Joseph Pilates and his officially designated successor. After nine years at the Paris Pilates Studio, Ms O’Beirne now operates a fully equipped Pilates studio at Terryland Retail Park in Galway.

For more information call Joyce O’Beirne on (085 ) 838 5854 or visit


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