Coirmcheoil Phadraig 2017

Annual St Patrick's Festival concert of music and song of the nation at An Taibhdhearc

COIRMCHEOIL PHADRAIG 2017, the annual St Patrick's Festival concert of music and song of the nation, featuring the renowned Irish composer and pianist Tom Cullivan, takes place this weekend.

The concert will be held in An Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe, this Sunday at 8pm with musician and broadcaster Neansaí Ní Choisdealbha as MC. Connemara singer Seosamh Ó Flaithearta will perform classics of Gaelic song, accompanied by Tom Cullivan. Cullivan will also premiere the 'A Carolan Sonata', compiled from three Ó'Carolan airs, as well as arrangements of work by other 17th century composer/harpers such as the O'Connellan brothers.

The highlight will be the performance of Cullivan's Sonata for Cello and Piano No 1 played by Annette Cleary, accompanied by Padhraic Ó Cuinneagáin. The sonata's first movement derives from the main theme of the score commissioned from Cullivan by the director Seán Stafford for the 1975 Taibhdhearc production of Sé Dúirt Polonius by Críostóir Ó Floinn. The second movement comprises an extended meditation on 'Marbhna Luimní' attributed to composer/harper Myles O'Reilly (b 1635 ), while the third movement uses 'An Leanbh Aimhréidh' by the harper/composer Jerome Duignan (b 1710 ).

Tickets are €15/12.50. Booking is through 091 - 562024 or


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