Spring retreats and events at Knock Shrine

This Spring brings with it a host of great events at Knock Shrine, from day retreats to music workshops, there is plenty to enrich and enliven. The latest faith renewal programme has been developed to offer new and engaging day retreats, workshops, courses and spiritual concerts to the local community and pilgrims visiting the world famous Shrine.

Celebrating Family; Preparing for World Meeting of Families 2018

The main event in the Faith Renewal series is a one-day conference to be held on Saturday Apr 8 to begin preparations for the World Meeting of Families taking place in Dublin next year. Families are invited to Knock for this special day to help them prepare for the wonderful international occasion. Speakers on the day will include Fr Timothy Bartlett, Secretary General for WMOF2018 and Breda O’ Brien, teacher and Irish Times columnist, with stories and life experiences from guest families. The day will include activities for children and will conclude with mass celebrated at 3pm in the Basilica which will be celebrated by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.

Music Workshop for Choirs

In addition to all the retreats and workshops in the Faith Renewal series, a ‘Music Workshop for Choirs’ which will be facilitated by the Irish Church Music Association on Thursday March 9. This practical workshop will be of enormous benefit to choirs who can learn more about sacred music in liturgy throughout church seasons.

Day Retreats

For those looking to take a greater part in their local parish, there are two evening workshops on Monday March 6 and Monday March 13. Facilitated by Mary Connolly, MA in Liturgy Studies and Member of the National Centre for Liturgy, these evenings will help people to learn more about how to lead prayer in their local parish when the celebration of the Eucharist is not possible.

For those wanting some time away from busy life, the ‘Quiet Days for Busy People’ day retreats, taking place on March 11 and April 29, are a great way to escape for a few hours of meditation, prayer and reflection.

Deirdre Ní Chinnéide returns to the Shrine on Saturday May 6 with a day retreat entitled ‘Resting in the Arms of God’. This is a follow-on from the successful ‘Living in Hope’ retreat which was held last year.

A number of practical workshops will also take place, including the ‘Enrichment Days for Parish Ministry’ with John Paul Sheridan and Colette Furlong for Ministers of the Eucharist and the Word and the Adult Catechism Studies evening course.

To find out more about upcoming events or to book your place, contact the Faith Renewal Team in Knock Shrine on (094 ) 93 75355 or email: faithrenewal@knockshrine.ie


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