Locked on — brothers find the key to success in Galway

Lock Doctor, a business created in the height of the recession, has grown into Ireland’s largest firm of locksmiths and has franchises around the country. Now brothers Tommy and Michael Dillon have brought this buisness to Galway.

“We make keys for virtually every type of car which makes us unique” said Tommy, “and we get the opportunity to work with some interesting models of cars”. But as Michael pointed out, Lock Doctor isn’t just about cars, as it is primarily a service business.

“We’re here to help people, we give advice on home and business security and providing the best customer service is what we’re all about. When a customer comes back to you or refers you on that’s when you know you’ve done a good job.

”Business is going well for the duo and just three years after they started, they decided to expand and open a Lock Doctor shop in Liosban Industrial Estate. We specialise in offering a road-side key service for car owners. If someone loses their car keys, we drive to them and can make a replacement key at the side of the road so they’re back up and running quickly. But we also realised there was a demand for walk-in key services and for security products such as specialised locks and safes.

“The shop was the logical next step and so far things are going well” explained Tommy. “We’re one of only four Lock Doctor shops nationally which we’re very proud of” Michael added.

The brothers put success down to hard work and being willing to work long hours, but they had quite a bit of business experience under their belts when they started which has been a big help.

“I worked as a carpenter/cabinet maker for myself for ten years and my brother was a director of a upvc window and door company” said Tommy. “That experience has definitely helped us these past three years. Another big plus is having someone you completely trust in business with you. Running a business can be lonely and tough going but we can run ideas by each other and sort out any problems together. It makes all the difference.”

“We usually meet our customers in quite stressful situations whether it’s a lost car key or they’re locked out of their car or home. Being able to help them out without any hassle and get them back on their way is very satisfying.

As for the future, the brothers are very optimistic. “We see great opportunities to continue to grow the business in Galway. This is what keeps us going and I’m excited about what the future holds” concluded Tommy.

For more information on Lock Doctor Galway you can contact Tommy on 086 056 5566 or call 1850 555 000

Lock Doctor is located at Unit 32 Kilkerrin park Liosban Industrial Estate Tuam road, Galway or visit their website www.lockdoctor.ie


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