Aikido, way of harmony

If you are looking for a new challenge and have an interest in martial arts, traditional Japanese culture, or just stretching yourself physically and mentally, then consider taking up a beginners' course in aikido.

Aikido is a dynamic martial art that focuses on unbalancing and controlling an aggressor using blending movements, without relying on brute strength. It emphasises throwing and pinning techniques instead of punching or kicking. Regular practice instils calm and self-control while building up physical and mental resilience. There are no competitions in aikido: its philosophy is summed up in the phrase masakatsu agatsu — ‘true victory is self-victory’.

Alantic Aikido will run a six-week beginners’ course starting on Monday March 6, from 7.30pm to 9pm, in St Joseph’s Community Centre, Ashe Road, Shantalla (behind UHG ). The course will introduce all the basics of aikido including stretching, rolling, falling safely, basic throwing and pinning, and traditional dojo etiquette. It is designed to satisfy the curiosity of anyone wondering whether aikido might be for them. Classes are for ages 16 and over. The cost is €40 for six classes.

For more information see, or contact or 086 352 2142.


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