Hang On with Fidget Feet

Dance show comes to the Town Hall Theatre next week

HANG ON brings the suited denizens of the business world into the sumo wrestlers’ circle of combat, and in the process mixes an aerial dance trapeze duet with a musical performance, all wrapped up in the battle of the sexes.

Fidget Feet present Hang On in the Black Box Theatre on Friday March 10 at 8pm. A contemporary and aerial circus, it is choreographed and performed by Chantal McCormick and Lee Clayden, and is suitable for all ages. The show will see the performers mixing aerial skills with dance. There will also be film projection and music, created and played live, by Jym Daly.

The show has enjoyed critical acclaim with the critic for the Houston Chronicle, USA saying it “kept me spellbound”. Tickets are available from the Town Hall on 091 - 5697877 or www.tht.ie


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