Time to get the chimney cleaned.

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

Now that winter is officially over, supposedly, it’s time to get down to brass tacks and tackle some of those necessary jobs around the house. One of the most important, and occasionally over looked tasks, is getting the chimney cleaned. Typically it isn’t a job homeowners would want to take on themselves which means hiring the professionals is a necessity. So with that in mind here are three simple tips on what to look out for when hiring a chimney cleaner.

How experienced are they?

Check out the level of experience and credentials of the chimney cleaner you are thinking of hiring. Ask for references, check with someone you know that has used the service previously if possible, find out how long they have been in business for etc. After all getting your chimney cleaned is serious business and if carried out improperly by someone lacking experience it could pose a serious health and safety risk to you and your family.

Do they have the right equipment?

In recent years a lot of homeowners have made the switch to stoves due to how economical they are compared to open fires. These stoves may require specialist equipment and can need to be partially dismantled in order to be cleaned thoroughly. Make enquires and ensure that the chimney cleaner you choose has the right equipment and expertise to take on these kinds of jobs.

Are they insured?

It goes without saying that a lot of dust and dirt is created when getting a chimney cleaned not to mention the heavy equipment that is hauled into and out of your home. There is always a chance that an accident may occur resulting in damage being done to your property. For this reason make sure to check whether or not your chosen chimney cleaner is insured. It’s unlikely to happen but using a company that has insurance will give you that extra peace of mind.

So there you have it, three simple tips to ensure you get the best service possible. To find chimney cleaners and other services visit Services Available on Advertiser Classifieds at http://classifieds.advertiser.ie/services-available/


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