Go dark and earn more — blondes earn less than brunettes

Irish brunettes earn €5,000 a year more than their blonde counterparts, a new survey has revealed.

The findings of the survey published yesterday are sure to have Irish blondes reaching for the dye.

One blonde west of Ireland businesswoman said that while the survey was a bit of fun, if it was implemented in business, it would be most unfair.

“It is probably due to the “dumb blonde” thing, but if that’s the case, then it is very unfair. A person’s wages should be based on their ability to do the job, not on the colour of their hair.

“However, for certain jobs which are not on the top scale of payment, looks are given a high prioriity and maybe that is why there is such a difference between the two,” she said.

A study of 3,000 women, conducted by a hair colour company showed that not only did brunettes earn more but they are luckier in love too.

Almost half (44 per cent ) of those with brown hair (dyed or natural ) said the shade gave them the greatest success with the opposite sex - a 10 per cent better hit rate than blondes.

20 per cent of brunettes boasted five relationships or more in the past, while only 13 per cent of blondes shared the same amount.

The survey seems to show that, although blondes may think they are having more fun, they certainly are not taken as seriously as darker haired women either in business or in love.

The poll also showed just how much hair dyeing can influence a woman's outlook on life.

One in seven females admitted that changing their natural hair colour made them feel sexier - with those born with dark hair feeling the most desirable after altering their look.

Plus a further 20 per cent said that dyeing their locks made them feel happier and more confident about their appearance.

But when it came to the main reason women coloured their hair - 40 per cent said they simply hated the natural tone of their tresses.

With the average women first dyeing their hair at age 20, it is unsurprising that 15 per cent of hair-dyeing fans said they could not actually remember what the true hair colour looked like.

The average hair-dyer will try out four different shades during her life.

Red is the tone most women test out first but the colour they stick to the least - lasting two years in a woman's hair colour lifecycle.

Black shades fair a little better at three years and women will sport brown tints for four years.

But it is fun women obviously hanker for as the average hair dyer will colour her locks blonde for the longest time, lasting six years.


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