The Local Enterprise Office Galway, which is responsible for fostering business startups and developing existing micro and small businesses, has launched its new spring schedule of training courses. These business focused workshops are starting on February 21 and will offer one-day workshops across a range of areas in marketing your business and managing your business finances.
Head of enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Galway, Breda Fox, said: “All of the workshops provide essential information and skills required by business startups and existing businesses to run their business and to understand what they need to do to run their day to day operations effectively, maintaining customers, and grow sales.”
The finance workshops include: Costing, pricing, and cashflow for business; simple accounts through Excel; tax for beginners and online Revenue returns; three steps to becoming a Revenue Online customer; use ROS to its full potential; and how to file a return online. The marketing workshops sessions include: Facebook for business - learn how to effectively target your customer base through Facebook and run advert campaigns (beginner, intermediate, and advanced ); Instagram and Twitter for business; search engine optimisation; set up your own website; and marketing for your business.
All of the workshops are relevant for someone who is thinking of starting a business, especially the single operator who is self-employed, or those who are already in business and seeking opportunities to grow and develop. Training workshops will take place at the Local Enterprise Office training rooms in City Hall, College Road, Galway. Workshops commence at 9.30am and finish at 4.30pm. Half day workshops finish at 1pm. For more information or to book your place email or call 091 509090. You can also book online at